Get rid of Neck Pain

Exercise Treatments for Neck Pain, Cervical Spondylosis, Cervical pain, Whiplash Injury, Cervical Radiculopathy, Spine, Muscle & Joint Care

Physiotherapy for Neck pain involves a thorough evaluation and assessment of your entire Upper extremity from your Neck to your Lower Back by a Orthopedic, Physiotherapist or a Sports medicine specialist.

At Krumur Clinic, a centre for sports medicine in Pune, our Sports Physio or Sports Medicine Doctor will assess your Neck pain and prescribe the right treatments — including exercises and modalities to help decrease your Neck pain and improve your overall mobility.

Speak to our finest Sports Doctors, Sports Physios or Orthopedic physios for Neck Pain Treatments in Pune.

Neck Pain Physiotherapy

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+91 8551 96 5656

We would love to see how we can help you solve your neck and back problems in the best pain free methods